Impressum/Kontaktparent nodes: APL concepts in Smalltalk

implemented functions

In the following list all functions which are fully implemented have a link to the corresponding unit test code. All other functions are not or partly implemented.
APL Method link to Smalltalk Test Remarks
, concat -
+ Conjugate -
+ Add -
- Negate -
-Subtract -
× Sign of -
× Multiply -
÷ Reciprocal -
÷ Divide -
⌈ Ceiling -
⌈ Greater of -
⌊ Floor -
⌊ Lesser of -
| Absolute value -
| Residue -
⍳ Index list (Interval) -
⍳ Index of -
? Roll implemented but test is missing
? Deal -
* Exponential -
* To the power of -
⍟ Natural log -
⍟ Log to the base -
○ Pi times -
○ Circular and Hyperbolic functions -
! Factorial -
! Binomial -
⌹ Matrix inverse -
⌹ Matrix divide -
< Less than -
≤ Less than or equal -
= Equal -
≥ Greater than or equal -
> Greater than -
≠ Not equal -
≡ Depth -
≡ Match -
≢ Not Match -
∊ Enlist -
∊ Membership -
⍷ Find -
∪ Unique -
∪ Union -
∩ Intersection -
~ Not implemented but test is missing
~ Without -
∨ Or implemented but test is missing
^ And -
⍱ Nor -
⍲ Nand -
⍴ Shape of implemented but test is missing
⍴ Reshape implemented but test is missing
, Ravel implemented but test is missing
, Catenate, Laminate -
⍪ 1st axis catenate -
⌽ Reverse implemented but test is missing
⌽ Rotate implemented but test is missing
⊖ 1st axis rotate -
⍉ Transpose implemented but test is missing
↑ First -
↑ Take / Take on Axis -
↓ Drop implemented but test is missing
⊂ Enclose implemented but test is missing
⊂ Partition -
⊃ Disclose / Disclose on Axis incomplete, test skipped
⊃ Pick -
⌷ Index -
⍋ Grade up -
⍒ Grade down -
⊤ Encode -
⊥ Decode -
⍺ Picture format -
⍕ Format -
⍕ Format by specification -
⍕ Format by example -
⍎ Execute -
⍇ File read Not implemented
⍈ File write Not implemented
⍐ File hold Not implemented
⍗ File drop Not implemented
⊣ Stop -
⊣ Left -
⊢ Pass -
⊢ Right -
⎕ Evaluated input Not implemented
⎕ Output with newline Not implemented
⍞ Character input Not implemented
⍞ Bare output Not implemented
/ Reduce N-wise reduction -
⌿ 1st axis reduce -
\ Scan implemented Difference to APL due to the sequence of evaluation. See comment inside!
⌿ 1st axis scan aplScan:onAxis is wrong
/ Compress, Replicate -
⌿ 1st axis compress -
Expand -
⍀ 1st axis expand -
. Inner product -
∘ Outer product implemented but test is missing
¨ Each -
[]Axis -
⍬ Zilde -
⋄ Statement Separator Not implemented
∇ Line editor Not implemented
⍫ Lock Not implemented